Process Voting History Data

The final phase of an election cycle is devoted to processing of the county's voting history data. During this phase, elections officials complete the entry of all voting activities into the county database— Vote-By-Mail ballots are returned, provisional ballots are accepted or rejected, precinct registers are swiped, and data from EViD stations is processed.

When the activity for each precinct is recorded, it is totaled and reconciled with the balloting totals from the tabulation system, as required by statute. Any differences between the two sets of totals should be resolved. If a perfect reconciliation is not possible, the reasons for any differences should be determined and clearly documented as part of the election record. The objectives are:

  • To ensure that all voters who voted will get credit for doing so.
  • To verify that there are no duplicate votes or other irregularities.

Once all totals are reconciled, the last step is to run the Update Voting History program. This program sends a voting history file to FVRS, providing the State with voting history data and transfers voting data from temporary working files to individual voter's records.

From the moment the polls close, you will probably receive requests for voter turnout data from candidates and the press. To provide this information, you must first run the Update Voting History program to distribute the voting history results into voter records. Once this is done, you can then run the requested reports. You need not wait until all processing and reconciliation is complete, though. You can run the Update Voting History program at convenient intervals, as voting historical data is processed.

When the Update Voting History program is run for the last time, you should then print and archive the election reports. For a list of the reports we recommend archiving, see Reports to Archive After an Election.

Note: Do not undertake any reorganization of precincts until after the election reports are printed.

The following tasks must be completed in order to complete the final run of the Update Voting History program. These tasks are typically performed simultaneously by various groups in the elections office. As noted above, you can create preliminary voting history files before all these tasks are complete.

Note: The topic Voting History Reminders lists some suggestions and things to keep in mind when you are doing voting history processing.