Possible Voting Irregularities
To run: ELECTIONS > Reconcile History > Reconciliation > Report-Possible Voting Irregularities
or REPORTING > Vote-By-Mail Reports > Vote-By-Mail Audit Reports > Possible Voting Irregularities
This report lists voters whom Voter Focus has recorded multiple votes in the selected election. You will need to research each one to determine if there was indeed a double vote or perhaps a "Senior" was recorded as voting when the voter was actually a "Junior."
The report also identifies voters who became ineligible to vote on or before the date of the election.
In the center of the report, check the three columns labeled Voted Flag, Voted Absentee, and Voted Early. (Voted Flag means "voted at the polls on election day.") A Y in any of these columns means the voter voted. Check also the column labeled Status Description, which might indicate an eligibility issue such as Moved out of State.
The notation ZZZ in the Book column indicates the voter was added via Non-Register Voting History or from a precinct register supplement.