Voting History Maintenance

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance> {voter} > Elections tab > {election} > History Details

This dialog lets you make adjustments to the voter's voting history for the election. Please note that —except for reversals of EViD check-ins on Election Day this dialog is intended to permit the odd change that comes to light long after an election's voting history has been updated, not for maintaining voter activity before the voting history is updated. Changes to voter history are not permitted here until six weeks after the election date. The election's status must be Closed in order to make adjustments here.

Any changes to voting history will be transmitted to FVRS.

If the voter's eligibility was challenged in the election, you will see the button View Challenge, which opens the Challenge Voter dialog with details about the challenge.

For more information about using this dialog, see Correct Mistakes in a Voter's Voting History.