Record the Return of Mail Ballots

This topic explains how to process returned mail ballots for counties using the Voter Focus method of return; that is, the method for counties not using a third-party system for mail ballot processing. Counties with the Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote or another third-party system should follow instead the instructions in How to Return Mail Ballots Processed by Relia-Vote and How to Return Mail Ballots Processed by a Third-Party System, respectively. But note that ballots emailed or faxed to voters and then returned by email, fax, or mail should be return processed using the Voter Focus method, even if the county uses a third-party interface.

The processing of returned mail ballots updates voter records to indicate their ballot has been received. The record will also indicate whether the ballot was properly voted, referred to the Canvassing Board for some reason, or returned as undeliverable by the postal service. It also increments totals of returned mail ballots for reporting purposes.

Voter Focus gives you the option of organizing returned ballots into batches, which can help with the management of these important documents. If your county uses batch control and you are interested in more details, refer to About Batches for Returned Mail Ballots.