Enter Non-Register Voting History

Following an election, one of the post-election tasks is to enter the voting history of voters who have moved into a precinct (or city ward) but were not listed in the precinct register of their new precinct. This usually happens when a voter notifies the county of an address change on election day. Such voters are usually handwritten into the blank pages at the back of precinct registers. We refer to this type of voting history as non-register history.

  • Out-of-county move-ins—Non-register history can only be recorded for local voters. Therefore, address changes for voters moving into your county must be processed before you can record these voters in the non-register history.
  • Inter-county move-ins—Address changes for voters moving from one precinct to another within your county need not be processed before you enter their non-register voting history. These address changes can be done at any time.

Workers who are tasked with entering non-register voting history will need the user permission NonRegisterHistory.