Maintenance of Places

Use the Place Maintenance program to store information about the physical locations used for elections. These locations are categorized in the following place types:

Polling places—Locations where one or more precincts vote on election day. Precincts are assigned to a polling place within the polling place maintenance record. In Voter Focus, early voting sites are not considered polling places.

Early voting sites—Locations open during early voting.

Note: If you have a VR Tower website and are using the Early Voting Location & Status module, it may take up to 2 hours before new locations appears on your web site. (The program that updates the website with this information is VRScheduler - UpdateWebHosting.exe, which runs every 20 minutes.)

Election centers—Locations providing a support function to the voting locations, such as warehouses.

The ability to perform maintenance on the place types is permissioned in Voter Focus Admin, so you might not have access to one or more place types. (See Places User Permissions for details.) When you run the Places Maintenance program you are presented with a list of places on the Find Place dialog.

If you are granted access to more than one place type, you can filter the display by place type. In the list, you'll see only the place types for which you have permission.

Double-click a place row in the grid to open the record for that place on the Place Maintenance dialog.