Place Maintenance—Contacts Tab

To access:  ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance > {place} > Contacts

On the Contacts tab you can maintain information for up to three contacts for a place. This information is displayed on the List of Contacts report and on the Contacts tab in the CallTrack program. It also appears on the Delivery Route Stops report.

Note:  If you want a simpler method of recording contacts, consider using the Person in Charge and the Contact Person fields on the Information tab instead of the more-detailed fields on the Contacts tab. There you can enter two telephone numbers for each person. The name and numbers of the Contact Person appears in the CallTrack program, but the information for the Person in Charge does not. Or you can use the two contact facilities together;  the way you use these facilities is up to you.

The contact information is summarized in the Contacts box on the upper part of the dialog. To update the information, use the fields in the lower part of the dialog. The labels on the three tabs in the lower part of the dialog are defined in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Places.

Clicking Copy Address copies the three address lines of the currently displayed contact person to a temporary area. You can then use Paste Address to copy the address to another contact for that place.