Place Maintenance—Finance Tab

To access:  ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance > {place} > Finance

On the Finance tab you can record the fee charged for the use of a place.

The financial information for all places can be printed on the Financial Information report.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Vendor ID

This is typically your county's accounts payable identifier for the person or organization providing the place to the elections office.

Fee type

No fee charged—Indicates no monetary amount is paid for use of the place.

Standard fee charged—Indicates the county's standard fee is paid. To set the standard fee for all places, click Change Standard Fee and enter the new fee.

Custom fee charged—Indicates that a non-standard fee is paid for the place. If you select this option, enter the amount in Rental Amount.

Finance Payable Information

The fields in this box appear only when a fee is paid for the place (that is, when Standard fee charged or Custom fee charged is selected as the fee type).

Finance contact—Enter the name of the financial contact person for the vendor.

Payable to—Enter the name of the organization or person to whom the payment check should be written.

Mailing Address—Enter the address to which the check should be mailed.

Phone/Mobile—Enter the phone numbers that can be used to contact the vendor for questions about the rental.