Place Maintenance—Election Overrides Tab

To access:  ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance > {place} > Election Overrides

The Election Overrides tab is active only when you are accessing a polling place record.

On this tab you can temporarily assign one or more precincts or precinct splits to the polling place for a selected election. Elections with temporary precinct assignments at this polling place are listed here, along with each precinct's normal polling place. For more information, see Change a Precinct's Polling Place's for a Single Election.

Election overrides for precincts sharing an election board should only be applied to the providing precinct. The sharing precinct (that is, the precinct using the election board of the providing precinct) and its precinct splits (except for splits combined with themselves or with a different precinct) will then automatically adopt the election override.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog


Select the election for which you want to make the temporary polling place assignment. All elections whose date is in the future will be shown in the drop-down list.

Select Precincts

Opens the Select Precincts dialog where you can select one or more precincts or precinct splits to temporarily move to this polling place for the selected election. When you move a precinct, all of its precinct splits are automatically moved as well, unless the precinct split has been combined with itself or another precinct.

If a precinct is not voting in the selected election, you will not see it on the Select Precincts dialog. Nor will you see precinct splits unless they are combined with themselves. See Change a Precinct's Polling Place's for a Single Election for more information.

Delete Highlighted Overrides

Click to remove a temporary polling place assignment from the list. Removing a precinct automatically removes any of its precinct splits. You cannot remove a precinct split. Either remove its precinct or, if the precinct split is combined with itself, undo the combination. See Combine Precincts in a Single Precinct Register.