Referral of Returned Mail Ballots

During the ballot-return process, if a ballot cannot be accepted and therefore must be referred to the Canvassing Board, you should select a value in the Referral Reason field on the Return Ballots dialog and click Refer Return.

The values in the Referral Reason field are maintained by the county in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > Vote-By-Mail Referral Reasons. Each referral reason must have a notice selected in Name of document that is sent to the voter. This notice will be scheduled if a ballot is referred for that reason. For example, you might set up the referral reason Returned Late to schedule an absentee referral notice to the voter.

To print the scheduled letters, go to PRINTING > Notices Queue, select the notice called Absentee Reject Letter, and select the election you want to run the letters for. (The notice might have a different name in your system, but the Notice Type is always 19.) If referrals also scheduled a signature affidavit notice, these notices will be listed separately from the absentee referral notices, under the name Signature Affidavit for Unsigned Mail Ballot. (See Referrals because the Ballot Is Not Signed, below.)

Voter Focus prints a Canvassing Referral Sheet for any ballot referred because the signatures did not match. The sheet prints to your default printer and can be attached to the mail ballot before being set aside for the Canvassing Board's review. Depending on how your Voter Focus system is optioned, a Canvassing Referral Sheet can also be printed for all other referral reasons except Returned Undeliverable and Temporarily Away/Forwarding Address. (The option controlling this is VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote By Mail > Print Canvassing Referral Sheet for All Reasons.) If you want a sheet for a voter whose referral reason is Returned Undeliverable or Temporarily Away/Forwarding Address, you can print it using the Reprint Referral Sheet button on the Return Ballots dialog.

If a mail ballot package is returned as undeliverable by the postal service, see Mail Ballots that are Returned as Undeliverable, below, for instructions.

Unless their ballot is returned undeliverable, voters whose ballots are referred are still credited for voting. But you should be aware that this means the totals of Vote-By-Mail voters will not match tabulation totals. Vote-By-Mail return totals are shown on the report Absentee Totals for an Election.

Referred mail ballots might be reinstated by the Canvassing Board. Reinstatements should be recorded on the Mail-Ballot Adjustments dialog.

Voter Focus can be optioned to effectively suspend referred returns until they have been reviewed. See Review Referred Mail Ballots for more information.