Reinstate a Mail Ballot

This topic explains how to record the reinstatement of a referred mail ballot by the Canvassing Board based on a review process or receipt of a completed affidavit.

Users with permission can reinstate mail ballots from two locations in Voter Focus. The Review Return Ballots program includes an option to reinstate referred ballots. This is used for reinstating ballots by management review (as opposed to a Canvassing Board determination). For instructions using this process, see Review Referred Mail Ballots.

The following procedure explains how to do a Canvassing Board reinstatement.

  1. Go to VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance and access the voter's record.

  2. Click the Vote-By-Mail tab and highlight the Vote-By-Mail request for the election.

  3. Click Mail Ballot Adjustments to open the Mail Ballot Adjustments dialog.

The dialog indicates when the returned ballot was processed and the reason for the referral.

  1. Click Canvassing Board Reinstatement to remove the referral and allow the ballot to be recorded as tabulated. Click OK on the confirmation dialog.
  2. You are prompted to indicate whether or not the reinstatement is due to receipt of an affidavit, and then click Continue.

When Reinstated by Affidavit is selected, a record is added to the voter's audit log with field code ARI. This flag allows your county to separately track ballots reinstated by affidavit.

Any notices (such as an Absentee Referral Letter or Signature Affidavit Notice) that were scheduled when the ballot was referred are unscheduled automatically by the reinstatement.