Returned Absentee Ballots by Batch Number

To run:  REPORTING > Reports > Vote-By-Mail Reports > Vote-By-Mail Ballot Reports > Returned Absentee Ballots by Batch Number

This report lists ballots returned by return batch ID, including a section for the Err batch (ballots referred due to voter errors, such as no signature). This report helps you track a specific mail ballot to a return batch or determine the batch in which a voter's ballot was returned.

When you run the report, you have the option of selecting one or more batches to report on.

The report can be exported to a spreadsheet or other file by clicking the export icon () on the Crystal Reports toolbar. Or you can run the Export of Returned Absentee Ballots by Batch Number, which gives you the same information in a text file, plus two additional fields: Reinstated Flag and Absentee Comments.

The Err batch looks like this: