FlexRep Menu—Output Option

Voter List

Creates a simple list of the voters found by FlexRep with names, addresses, and other basic information. You'll see the list onscreen in a Crystal Report format. The address used depends on the choice selected in the Address Selection box.

Note:  This option is not available when Sample Ballot Run is the selected Data Source.


Creates address labels for the voters found by FlexRep. The label size is Avery 5161 (4" x 1" laser labels, 2-up). The labels are output to the screen in Crystal Report format. They can be printed directly to a laser printer or saved to a file. If you need to reposition where the output prints on mailing labels, adjust the margins.

Voter Focus Document

Lets you select a document from those set up in Document Maintenance and prepare the document for the voters found by FlexRep.

If the document you select has the option Document printed from Notices Queue selected, the document is scheduled for printing from the Notices Queue. A document is scheduled for each voter meeting the criteria you specified. If this option is turned off, the document prints immediately to your default printer. A document is printed for each voter FlexRep finds.

Note:  This option is not available when Sample Ballot Run is the selected Data Source.
Tip:    If you want to print labels for voters found by a FlexRep search, but you don't want to use the standard FlexRep label size and layout, create a document in Document Maintenance of the document type Label and give it the specifications you want. Then, in FlexRep, select Voter Focus Document as the Output Option and select the document you created in Document Maintenance.

Select Document

Appears when you select the option Voter Focus Document. Choose the document you want to create from the Select Document to Print dialog. The document name will then be shown next to the Select Document button.

Text File without Voting History

This is the most typically used output for candidate requests. It creates a comma-delimited text file of voters meeting the criteria you specified. The file can be written to your system or to portable media such as a CD.

Text File without Voting History is designed to produce a file for candidates who request information on voters, but it can be used for other purposes as well.

This option is one of three text file export options that use the standard FlexRep export file layout. (The other two options are Text File with Voting History and Text File export for Commercial Printer, below).

This text-file option—without Voting History—does not ask you to select elections for the purpose of including voters' voting histories in the file. If you want this information, use the Text File with Voting History option (below) instead.

When this option is selected, additional Email Selection options become available.

Text File with Voting History

Creates the same file as its without Voting History counterpart (above) except when you click Run FlexRep, you are asked to select up to 20 elections. The voters' voting history for those elections is included at the bottom of the file.

When this option is selected, additional Email Selection options become available.

Text File export for Commercial Printer

This option appears only to users who have the user permission FlexRep:UnProtect.

It creates the same comma-delimited text file as the Text File without Voting History option (above) but adds voter polling place names and locations to the file.

This option is typically used for sample ballot runs and polling place change notices for households. It should not be used for notices where you want a record that the document was sent to voters, because this option makes no communications updates to voter records. If you want a communications update, you will need to export the file from the Notices Queue rather than from FlexRep. See Voter Card Export Files for an overview of this process. Although this topic concerns voter information cards, the same process can be used for any mailout.

With this output option, you have the ability to include protected voter addresses in the file by selecting Unprotect Addresses in the Address Selection box.

Note:  Be aware that this option and the Simplified Export for Commercial Printer option test for ballot-styles when used with the Vote By Mail/Early Voting data source, while the other output options do not. This might cause the record count for these two options to differ from counts with the other output options. For instance, if a voter does not have a valid ballot style, they will be omitted from the two exports, but would be included in the others. Temporary ballot styles are considered valid ballot styles for the purpose of these outputs.

Simplified Export for Commercial Printer

This option appears only to users who have the user permission FlexRep:UnProtect.

It produces an export file containing fewer fields than the standard FlexRep export file.

Typically this option is used by counties using the Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote system to print sample ballot runs, but it can be used by non-Pitney Bowes counties as well.

With this output option, you have the ability to include protected voter addresses in the file by selecting Unprotect Addresses in the Address Selection box.

Note:  Be aware that this option and the Text File Export for Commercial Printer option test for ballot-styles when used with the Vote By Mail/Early Voting data source, while the other output options do not. This might cause the record count for these two options to differ from counts with the other output options. For instance, if a voter does not have a valid ballot style, they will be omitted from the two exports, but would be included in the others. Temporary ballot styles are considered valid ballot styles for the purpose of these outputs.

Pitney Bowes counties: This export file contains address fields in a format recognized by the Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote system. Use this option when you want to output voter information to an in-house Relia-Vote system for large print jobs other than the absentee-ballot runs normally sent to Relia-Vote. For example, you would use this option to produce mailing packages containing sample ballots or notices of elections. Voter addresses are formatted for CASS certification compliance with the City, State, Zip, and Country fields broken out.