Voter Card Export Files
A voter card export file is an extract of county voter information that can be delivered to a commercial printer for the preparation of mass mailings of voter information cards to voters. The file lists all voters whose registration status is Active, including Overseas and Military Voters. You have the option of also including Inactive voters. If you are mailing to voters whose normal polling place has permanently changed, you can restrict the mailing to voters in the affected precinct(s).
The voter card file includes all database fields selected for the document
Creation of a voter card export file is a two-step process:
Scheduling the cards via REPORTING > Flexible Reports. The scheduling process overwrites any voter cards that are currently scheduled, so you don’t need to worry about voters getting multiple cards.
Generating the export file via PRINTING > Notices Queue. Generating the file creates a communications entry in the record of each voter in the file.
Voter Focus outputs the export file as a straight text (TXT) file. Before sending the file to the commercial printer, you’ll need to examine it for errors. If you find problems, fix them and do the run again. The file that goes to the commercial printer must be error-free.