Print Labels for Mail Ballot Packages

This topic explains how to print one or more address labels for ballots mailed to voters. The label information is printed on Avery type labels.

Note:  If you want to print directly onto envelopes, see Print Envelopes for Mail-Ballot Packages. With envelope printing, you have the option of also printing a single label along with each envelope.

You can print multiple labels for each voter to accommodate the way your county handles ballot mailings. The first label has a bar code. This label is designed to be used as the return address label for the envelope in which the ballot is returned to the elections office. If you choose to print additional labels, the second might be used as the mailing label on the outer envelope, while a third might be affixed to the ballot stub (the tear-off tab on the ballot). See Label Layout for more information. The layout is hard-coded in Voter Focus and cannot be modified as can the envelope layout.

The label printing capability is divided into separate batches—called run types—described here. Each run type typically has its own requirements for envelope preparation or the items inserted in the envelope, so you should process each run type every time you create labels.

Note:  If you are creating labels for advance ballots, only the following run types are needed, but be aware that advance ballots are only used in rare circumstances.


Overseas Civilian

Absent Domestic Military



Each label run type reevaluates voters' current registration status, party, and precinct to determine their current eligibility and ballot style. This assures you that a voter who makes a mail ballot request and then moves to another precinct or party prior to the run will receive the correct ballot for their new precinct/party. Voters who moved out of county after making a request, or who became ineligible for some other reason, are included in the Absentee Requests not provided Ballots list in the report produced by the run.

Prior to the assignment of ballot styles to precincts (and designation of the federal election style for Fed Elections Only voters), voters who make a mail ballot request for the election will have XXX in the Style column on the Vote-By-Mail tab of their record. The reevaluation by the run also examines these voters and replaces the XXX placeholders of eligible voters with the appropriate ballot styles.

The printing of mail ballot labels causes an update to each voter record indicating that a mail ballot for the election has been delivered. You should be aware that reversing the update requires making a manual adjustment to each voter's record, so do not print labels until you are certain you are doing so at the appropriate time.

Note: For counties using the USPS Confirm One Interface:  Due to size restrictions, the Intelligent Mail Barcode is not printed on absentee labels.