Ordered List of Absentee Labels

To run:  Vote By Mail > Deliver Ballots > {run type} > OK

This report displays when you do a mail ballot run on the Deliver Ballots dialog.

If you chose Email or Fax for the Vote-By-Mail run type, the Address column in the report is replaced by an Email Address or a Fax Number column.

The section titled Absentee Requests not provided Ballots at the bottom of the report lists voters for whom a ballot could not be issued for one of the following reasons:

  • Voter is Ineligible
  • Voter is Inactive status
  • Voter Voted Provisional
  • Fax ballot requested, voter not UOCAVA
  • Email ballot requested, voter is not UOCAVA
  • Email Requested, no Email Address Provided
  • Invalid Email Address