Elections Features in Voter Focus
Voter Focus offers an extensive range of programs to help you manage
your elections. Such management activities include setting up ballot styles,
Most features are accessed from the ELECTIONS tab on the Console
Election Status
Over the course of an election cycle, an election moves through various stages. Activities that must be performed in one stage might be inappropriate if performed in an earlier or later stage. To prevent users from performing election activities inappropriately, Voter Focus provides a structure of five statuses. The elections coordinator can then assign the appropriate status to each election. See Election's Status for more information.
Election Maintenance Activities
Set Up an Election in the Database
Set Up Places (Physical Locations) Used for an Election
Set Up Temporary Ballot Styles for an Election
Set Up Ballot Styles for an Election
Assign Ballot Styles to Precincts
Create Sample Ballot Export Files for Commercial Printers
Email Sample Ballots to Voters
Change a Precinct's Polling Place for a Single Election
Change the Dates for a Statewide Election
Candidate Activities
Maintain Candidates in Elections
Set Up Candidates for Voter Labels and Files
Give a Candidate Access to Your Website
Precinct Register Activities
Combine Precincts in a Single Precinct Register
Divide a Precinct Register into Multiple Books
Set Up a Separate Precinct Register for a Precinct Split
Generate Precinct Registers and Supplements
Print Replacement Pages for a Precinct Register Book
Produce Supplements to Precinct Registers
Export a Precinct Register File for an Outside Printer
Post-Election Activities
Collect Voting History from Precinct Registers
Enter Non-Register Voting History
Create a List of Those Voting in an Election
Import Tabulation Totals from Dominion GEMS
Import Tabulation Totals from ES&S Unity
Schedule and Print Provisional Disposition Letters
Send Your Voting History Data to the State