Return Mail Ballots Processed by Relia-Vote

Note:  This topic is for counties with the BlueCrest (formerly Pitney Bowes) Relia-Vote interface to Voter Focus.

This topic explains how to process returned mail ballots after the envelopes containing the ballots have been scanned through the BlueCrest Relia-Vote system.

Mail ballots that were emailed or faxed to overseas voters, and which were returned by email, fax, or regular mail, cannot be returned through the Relia-Vote system. These ballots must be return processed using the Voter Focus method. For instructions on returning emailed/faxed ballots, see How to Record the Return of Mail Ballots.

For ballots returned as undeliverable by the postal service, you have the option of capturing the full envelope image and indexing it to the voter's record as a new entry on the Comms tab in the voter's record. This process also marks the ballot as returned (that is, Referred for the reason Returned Undeliverable), so there is no need to follow the return process described here. For more information, see How to Index Images of Undeliverable Mail-Ballot Envelopes. If your county does not use the capture/index option, undeliverable ballots should be returned as described in How to Process an Undeliverable Vote-By-Mail Ballot.