Streets & Precincts Tab

Use the Streets & Precincts tab on the Console to maintain data on your county's streets and precincts, and to perform redistricting tasks.

Buttons on the Streets & Precincts Tab

Export to Website

The programs under this button are used to send streets and precinct information from the database to Precinct Finder.

Schedule Export to Web Site—Creates a file of precinct and polling place information and schedules it for automatic export to your county website. See Update Precinct and Office Holder Information in Precinct Finder.

Export Precinct Finder Info to File—Use this button only if a VR Systems support person advises you to. It is typically used when there are issues with creation of the file by the Schedule Export to Web Site program.

Export Ballot Styles—Creates a file listing the ballot styles for each precinct voting in the default election. This file can then be uploaded to Precinct Finder. For instructions on the entire process, seeProvide Sample Ballots to Finder.

Precinct Maintenance

Accesses the Precinct Maintenance dialog where you canmaintain a precinct's district assignments, any precinct splits and their district assignments, and other precinct-related items. Create a Precinct.

The user permission Precincts enables the appearance of this button.


Displays the Redistricting tab of programs related to the redistricting effort.

The user permission Redistricting enables the appearance of this button.

Street Maintenance

Opens the Street Search Parameters dialog where you can specify search criteria for the street segment you want to create or maintain. Add a Street to the Database.

The user permission Streets Maintenance enables the appearance of this button.

Street & Precinct Reports

Lists the street and precinct reports.

The user permission StreetReports enables the appearance of this button.

Street Utilities

Displays the following utility buttons:

Mailing Cities—Opens the Mailing Cities dialog where you can maintain information on the USPS cities and zip codes in your county.

Counties—Opens the Counties dialog where you can maintain the Florida county codes and Supervisor of Elections mailing addresses.

States—Opens the States dialog where you can maintain codes for U.S. states and territories.

Office Holders—Opens the Office Holders dialog where you can maintain information on offices and incumbents for each district in your county. This information can be displayed in Precinct Finder.

Bulk Street Move—Opens the Bulk Street Maint Search dialog from which you can move multiple street segments to a new precinct or precinct split in one operation. Move a Batch of Streets to Another Precinct.

Copy Street Table to FVRS—Schedules transfer of your street table information to FVRS.

The user permission StreetUtilities enables the appearance of this button.

Emergency Street Maint

Appears only when 1, Voter Focus is not selected in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Street Maintenance > Street Maintenance Method.

Allows you to make temporary additions or changes to street-segment records rather than importing the street data from your GIS system. Any updates you make here will be overwritten the next time you do an import from the GIS system. Clicking Emergency Street Maint displays the Street Search Parameters dialog.

Import from GeoElections

Appears only when 2, GeoElections is selected in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Street Maintenance > Street Maintenance Method.

Opens the GeoElections Import dialog where you can initiate import of streets data from the GeoElections GIS system.

Import from Maptitude


Export/Import Data via Generic GIS Interface

Appears only when 3, Voter Focus GIS Interface is selected in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Street Maintenance > Street Maintenance Method.

Opens the Generic GIS Interface dialog where you can initiate an import of streets data from a supported GIS system.