
To access:  STREETS & PRECINCTS > Redistricting

The Redistricting dialog gathers in one place the tasks typically performed during the redistricting process. The tabs are arranged in the order in which redistricting tasks are normally performed.

Users must have the permission Redistricting to see the Redistricting button on the STREETS & PRECINCTS tab.

Tabs on the Redistricting Dialog

Tab Name Buttons on Tab

Copy DB to Redistricting

Create Redistricting Database—Creates a copy of your live Voter Focus database that can be used during a redistricting period to update street segment, precinct, and district data, and perform testing on the new districts without affecting daily work on the live database.

DB Maintenance

Districts—Lets you create and maintain districts for each of the various district types.

Precinct District Assignments—Allows you to maintain the district assignments for precincts and precinct splits.

Street Maintenance (redist)

Bulk Street Moves—Lets you move multiple street segments to a new precinct or precinct split in a single operation.

Redistrict Update

Redistricting UpdateAdjusts voter assignments to districts after changes to precincts and districts have been made.

Copy Data to Production

Copy Street Tables to This DBCopies the street-related tables from the Redistricting database to the live production database.