Unschedule Documents in the Notices Queue

This topic explains how to unschedule a batch of notices queued for printing in the Notices Queue. You can unschedule notices for a specified operator and for selected precincts. And you can unschedule notices that were scheduled during a particular time period.

Note:  You cannot use this feature to unschedule notices for individual voters. Use the Unschedule Notice feature in the voter's record instead.

If you are unscheduling voter information cards and your county uses the system option County Uses Voter Labels, this operation also unschedules any voter labels accompanying the voter cards.

Note that this operation also unschedules the notice for Ineligible and Inactive voters. These voters are not counted in the number displayed next to each notice in the Notices Queue, so you won't see a change in the number when notices for these voters are unscheduled.

Users must have the permission DocumentScheduling to unschedule notices using the procedure described here.