Petition Signature Verification

Verify Petition Signatures

Undo Verification of a Voter's Petition

The Verify Signatures program in Voter Focus allows elections officials to compare a voter's signature on a petition with their signature in the county's voter registration database to confirm that the petition signer was actually the voter. The program also verifies that the voter's registration status, registration date, and district assignments render them eligible to sign the petition. And it checks that the voter signed the petition during the allowable time period and has not previously signed the same petition.

A petition meeting these criteria can then be recorded as Accepted and thus counted in the tally of accepted signatures required for the petition. Petitions where the voter's signature doesn't match what's on file or where the voter is ineligible to sign are recorded as Rejected along with the rejection reason.

The acceptance or rejection of a voter's petition can be undone at any time prior to certification.

For voters whose signatures are rejected, you can have the system automatically schedule a signature-update notice (VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > System Options > Sched Sig Upd Ltr in Petitions). If you later undo the rejection, the system will unschedule the notice.

To use the Verify Signatures program, a record for the petition must first be created in the database and the petition must be in focus. The petition record stores, among other data, the district(s) whose voters are eligible to sign, the time period when signatures can be accepted, and the number of signatures required for the petition to be placed on the ballot.

During the signature verification process, when the required number of signatures has been accepted, users will see a message indicating that the requirement has been met. Petition signatures can continue to be verified after you see this message.

In cases where large numbers of signatures are being returned, the petition record can be divided into batches, with each batch holding a specific number of signatures. Batches can be assigned to individual users, to help organize the signature-verification process in the office. Some counties print the List of Signatures report for each batch and file it with the petitions in that batch. Once a batch is full, you can then certify the petition totals in that batch (initiative petitions only).