Petition Verification Reason Codes

The following petition reason codes are currently supported by Voter Focus. These codes are managed in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > Petition Reason Codes. Your county can choose to add additional codes, if needed.


Signature has been verified, date-signed is within a valid range, and petition is accepted.

No Bdate

Petition rejected because voter did not provide their date of birth.

Dupl Sig.

Petition rejected because a petition for this voter has already been accepted. This petition is recorded as a duplicate.


Petition rejected because voter's status is Ineligible.

Wr Dist.

Petition rejected because voter does not reside in the district assigned to this petition.

No Sig

Petition rejected because it was not signed.

ACCEPT O'ride Ad

Petition accepted. Can be used when address on petition is different from address on file.

Wr Party

Petition rejected because voter has signed a petition for a candidate in the wrong party.

Reg after signed

Petition rejected because voter's registration date is later than the petition signed date.

Bad Signature

Petition rejected because the signature on petition did not match the voter's signature on file.

Sig Not Dated

Petition rejected because signature was not dated.


Petition rejected because voter has moved out of the county.

PO Box Addr

Petition rejected because voter did not provide a proper residence address.