Print Payroll Checks and Replacement Checks

Note: To print miscellaneous checks for work not associated with an election, see Make a Miscellaneous Payment to a Worker.

Payroll checks should be printed only when you are certain that there are no errors or omissions on the pay register.

The check printing run should only be performed one time. During the run, Voter Focus determines what each worker should be paid and then enters a record showing that they were paid the owed amount. Once the database has been updated by the check printing run, the results in the worker records cannot be undone. Therefore it is important to print checks only when you are certain that your payroll data is correct.

If you repeat the check printing run without adding any new payroll items, Voter Focus advises that there are no work items payable and no updates will be made to the database.

Before printing a replacement check, you first must void the check that was previously printed for the worker and set them up to receive a replacement check.