Set Up Candidates for Voter Labels/Files

Once you have created a candidate within an election, you can then set them up for generation of printed mailing labels and/or a digital file of Vote-By-Mail voter data.

Voter Focus maintains a record of the mail ballot voters included in previous label runs for a candidate, so if a candidate requests another label run, the previously included voters will not be included in the new run. This lets candidates request label runs repeatedly without getting duplicate labels.

If a candidate wants a copy of a previous label run, see Reprint Candidate Labels for the reprint procedure.

If your county has a VR Tower website, mailing label files can be posted to the candidate's area of the website for retrieval along with the daily Absentee Information File and the Early Voting Voters List files posted by the county during the election cycle, FlexRep reports on voters, and the EViD Get Out the Vote Report (EViD counties only). See How to Set Up Website Candidate File Distribution for more information.

To set up a candidate who is not retrieving files from the website, follow the procedure below.