Maintain Candidates in Elections

Records of candidates running in an election are maintained in the Voter Focus database for the purpose of providing them with mailing list information on voters to whom mail ballots have been sent. You can also use this feature for political committees requesting the same information.

The mail ballot information can be delivered in one of these ways:

  • As a set of printed mailing labels.
  • In a digital file that can be emailed to the candidate/committee or be given to them on portable media such as a CD.
  • If your county has VR Tower, posted to your website where it can be accessed by the candidate/committee via a secure login account.

Candidates/committees with a website account can also be granted access to their voter labels, FlexRep reports, the EVID Get Out the Vote Report, and the daily voter files delivered to the Division of Elections each day during an election cycle. (Candidate Files that Can Be Posted to Your Website).

A candidate record can be created and updated at any time during the election cycle.