Last Update: December 09, 2015

Dialog Help

System Options—System Options

Note  Options that are grayed out are maintained by VR Systems.

Licensing Org Name—Maintained by VR Systems.

Supervisor's Name—The name of your county's Supervisor of Elections.

County Option Name—Maintained by VR Systems.

CVDB CodeMaintained by VR Systems.

Next Election Number—Maintained by VR Systems.

County Uses Voter Labels—This option automatically schedules the printing of a voter label whenever a voter information card is scheduled for printing or whenever a voter information card is printed directly from a voter's record.

Print Trailer Voter Card—This option prints a trailer card at the end of a voter information card print run. It indicates the number of cards printed, the print date, and other information.

Force U/Case Name/AddrMaintained by VR Systems.

Propercase AB/Mail Address—This option is available only when the option Force U/Case Name/Addr is not selected. Clear the Propercase AB/Mail Address option if your county normally propercases letters, but for absentee and mailing addresses you want letters to remain in the case in which they are entered. This allows you to enter such abbreviations as APO in uppercase into address fields and prevent the system from converting the text to propercase. You should be aware that, if you clear this option, the abbreviations APO, DPO, and FPO, will not be automatically uppercased in the City field, as they are when Propercase AB/Mail Address is selected.

Note  See Capitalization of Names and Addresses for more about casing of names and addresses in Voter Focus.

Force City Ward = PrecinctMaintained by VR Systems.

Tel Area Code Required—If this option is selected, entry of the area code is required in the Telephone field on the voters Maint tab of voter registration records and application forms and in the Home phone field of election-worker records.

Use Combined ACN and VIC—This gives the county the ability to schedule a "combo card" for an in-county address change arising from a third-party address change. The combo card is scheduled instead of both an address-change notice and a voter information card.

Use Scan First—Select this option if your county scans voter registration applications prior to creating or updating a voter registration application in the system. Users then read the scanned application to create or update the online application.

Sched Sig Upd Ltr in Petitions—This option tells Voter Focus to automatically schedule a signature-update notice to any voter whose signatures on a petition is rejected as invalid.

NPA Letter only for Blank Party—A no-party-affiliation letter is automatically generated for applicants who do not check a Party Affiliation box on their voter registration application. To also generate this letter for applicants who select the No Party Affiliation box, clear the check box for NPA Letter only for Blank Party.

Update into VR5Sharedbinaries—Maintained by VR Systems.

Sticky Registration Source—This option pertains to the Registration Source field on voter application forms. When this option is selected, the registration source selected for an applicant is carried over to the application for the next applicant so you don't have to select it again. If you do not select Sticky Registration Source, the Registration Source field is blank when an application form appears.

Sticky Registration Date—This option pertains to the Regn Date field on voter application forms. When this option is selected, the registration date selected for an applicant is carried over to the application for the next applicant so you don't have to select it again. If you do not select Sticky Registration Date, the Regn Date field is blank when you bring up an application form for a new applicant.

Spanish/English Dual Language—If this option is selected, a Spanish oath is printed alongside the English oath on Early Voting Voter Certificates, on voter registration receipts, and at the top of the precinct register. For dual-language printing, the precinct register size must be 12 (not 18) lines to the inch.

This option also controls whether Spanish appears as a choice in the Language field on the Incomplete Reasons and Denial Reasons dialogs. If Spanish/English Dual Language is selected, you will have the ability to enter Spanish text for reasons provided on incomplete and denial notices.

Creole Language Support—Selecting this option:

Use Application QA—If this option is selected, newly created and updated voter applications go into the Quality Assurance Queue where they can be retrieved by another user for QA verification. See About Quality-Assurance Verification of Voter Applications for more information.

Use Secondary Entry—Not yet implemented.

Vault Root Folder—Displays the top-level folder for the Elections Vault. To specify a folder, or to change the current folder, click Browse Folders. The folder should be specified in UNC format. For example: \\<server name>\<folder name> rather than by drive letter. If you change the folder, all future files will be placed in the new folder; files previously stored in the older folder will remain in the old folder. See How to Store Election Data in the Vault for more information on the vault feature.

Address Label Data Line Style—This option controls the information shown on the top line of election worker address labels printed individually from the Worker Maintenance dialog, election worker address labels, candidate address labels and labels created in FlexRep. The setting here does not affect the data contained in the candidate-label or FlexRep export files.

Regn, Party, Prect, Sex, Race, Status—Shows the six data items in the top line, as illustrated here.

Regn, Prect—Shows the voter registration number and precinct in the top line.

Regn—Shows only the voter registration number in the top line.

Disconnected Mode—This feature lets you run Voter Focus independently of the FVRS system. To turn off your FVRS connection, click Run Disconnected. Voter Focus dialogs will indicate the disconnected state by displaying (without FVRS) in their title bars. In disconnected mode, users can perform any of the tasks listed in Using Voter Focus without FVRS. To reconnect to FVRS, click Run Normally. See About Disconnected Mode for more information on this feature.

Precinct Number Style—This option was set by VR Systems when your Voter Focus system was installed or during the last redistricting effort. For more information on precinct numbering, see About Precinct IDs.

SQL Server Limits—Maintained by VR Systems.

Party NamesMaintained by VR Systems.

Undeliverable Mailing Address Notice—Select Address Confirmation Request to have this notice automatically scheduled when a mail piece sent to the voter's mailing address is returned as undeliverable with a note from the Postal Service indicating a change of address. If your county does not send notices in such cases, select <None>.