Getting Started with Creating Courses

With ELM System, you can create, manage, maintain, and conduct online training courses for multiple audiences:

  • Election workers, who are maintained in the voter registration database (for example, in Voter Focus)
  • ELM students, who are added directly to the ELM system, such as internal staff  

For election worker courses, much of the course creation and administration process must be done from Voter Focus. ELM System is integrated with Voter Focus, enabling election worker managers to easily create courses and invite and de-invite election workers to a course from the familiar Voter Focus interface, while allowing course content creators and administrators to create content, host, and track courses from the easy-to-use ELM system interface.

For ELM students courses, the course and content creation and course administration is handled entirely within the ELM System. The ELM System interface provides you with options to create users, invite and de-invite election workers to a course, and conduct courses for these audiences.

To help you get started, the table below provides a high level overview of where to begin.


Election Worker Courses

ELM Student Courses

Create Class Type

Voter Focus (one time only)

Not Required

Create Courses

Voter Focus

ELM System

Download a Course from the ELM Library

Voter Focus

ELM System

Create Course Content

ELM System

ELM System

Copy Content from Another Course

ELM System

ELM System

Invite Students to Courses

Voter Focus

ELM System

De-Invite Students to a Course

Voter Focus

ELM System

Invite Students to Retake Courses or Tests

Voter Focus

ELM System

Create New Students

Voter Focus

ELM System

Students Attend Courses

ELM System

ELM System

Audit Grades/Course Performance

ELM System

ELM System

Share a Course in the ELM Library

ELM System

ELM System