How Courses Are Structured

Courses in the ELM System consist of:

  • Course Settings—Each course has a unique name, passing grade, and number of question on the final test. See Course Settings for more information.
  • Training Sections—A course must contain at least one Training Section and may contain as many Training Sections as you need to present the necessary information. Once you have created the course, you then create the first Training Section and add course content to it.

    An individual Training Section is typically dedicated to a specific chunk of the instruction in the course. You can have as many Training Sections in your course as you need.

    Using the text editor, you can the following to Training Sections:

      • Text
      • Videos—Note that the Full Screen icon in embedded YouTube videos is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and lower or in Safari.
      • Photos and graphics
      • Hypertext links to web pages, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and other files
  • Testing Questions—For each Training Section, you can create one or more Testing Question. The number of questions you can create for a course depends on the course settings. These are multiple-choice questions for which you provide up to six possible answers. One or more of the answers may be marked as being correct. Testing questions can include:
      • Text
      • Videos—Note that the Full Screen icon in embedded YouTube videos is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and lower or in Safari.
      • Photos and graphics
      • Hypertext links to web pages, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and other files

    You have the option of linking a Testing Question to a specific Training Section, so students can review the section should they answer the question incorrectly.

    Global questions, which appear in every course, can also be developed in the ELM System.

  • Course Files—You have the option of providing links to additional resources that the student can examine if they wish. These links are displayed at the bottom of each Training Section.
Note: When an instructor makes changes to an active course, changes will not update for students who have started the course.