Name, Address, and Party Changes from DMV

Voters who want to change their name, residential address, or party affiliation can do so when obtaining/renewing a driver license at a DMV office. In such cases:

Name changes flow to FVRS and the county database with no action required on your part. An updated voter information card is automatically scheduled.

In-county address changes flow to FVRS and the county database automatically and the voter's precinct is changed, if need be. No action is required on your part. An updated voter information card is automatically scheduled.

Out-of-county address changes flow to FVRS and to the Suspense Queue of the voter's new county.

Party changes are suspended to the county database. This allows the county to handle the party change as appropriate for any book closing dates for elections in the county.

Note:  Voters can also make these changes by filling out an NVRA or FPCA form and submitting it to the elections office.