Users List

To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > User Permissions

Before a user can access Voter Focus, you must add their Windows user ID to the Users List dialog. When adding a user, you assign them a user type, which is a grouping that defines their permissions in Voter Focus. If you later need to change a user's type, you make the change on this dialog.

The columns on the dialog can be sorted by clicking a column heading.

The value in the Database column denotes which database(s) the user is allowed to access: Production, Training (which includes Sandbox), or All. This feature is intended to prevent users in training from accessing the live production database. If a user whose database access is set to Training starts a Voter Focus program while attached to the production database, Voter Focus switches them to the Training database.

Note:  If your county has its Training database on a different server and its Training applications and production applications in different folders, the assignment to Training database cannot be used to prevent trainees from accessing the production database.