Print Voter Information Cards

When certain changes are made to a voter's record—a change of party or precinct, for example—the voter is automatically scheduled for a new voter card. This means a request to print the voter's card is placed in the Notices Queue. From the queue, you can print the cards. See Print a Notice for instructions.

The format of your voter information cards is defined in Document Maintenance. As you are probably aware, Florida law requires the following information on all voter information cards:

Voter's registration number Address of legal residence
Date of registration Precinct number
Full name Polling place address, city, state and zip code
Party affiliation Name and contact information for the Supervisor
Date of birth Other information deemed necessary by the Supervisor

You have the option of printing a trailer card at the end of the print run from the Notices Queue. The trailer card indicates the number of cards printed, the print date, and other information. To turn on this feature, select VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Print Trailer Voter Card.