Print Precinct Registers

This topic explains how to print one or more precinct registers once precinct registers have been generated. If you have not yet generated the precinct registers, see Generate Precinct Registers for instructions.

Voter Focus allows users at different workstations to be selecting and printing precinct registers to different printers, all at the same time. To keep users from printing duplicates, registers are assigned one of three states, depending on their printing status:

  • To be printed
  • Locked for printing
  • Printed

Registers that are locked or already printed do not display on the dialog where precincts are selected for printing unless you specifically select the options to display them. This keeps users from getting in each others' way and helps the printing process run more smoothly.

Note: This topic explains how to print full registers. To learn how to print supplements, see Produce Supplements to Precinct Registers.