Print Precinct Registers
This topic explains how to print one or more precinct registers once precinct registers have been generated. If you have not yet generated the precinct registers, see Generate Precinct Registers for instructions.
Voter Focus allows users at different workstations to be selecting and printing precinct registers to different printers, all at the same time. To keep users from printing duplicates, registers are assigned one of three states, depending on their printing status:
- To be printed
- Locked for printing
- Printed
Registers that are locked or already printed do not display on the dialog where precincts are selected for printing unless you specifically select the options to display them. This keeps users from getting in each others' way and helps the printing process run more smoothly.
Before printing your precinct registers, we recommend you print a test page to each of the printers that will be doing this work. This verifies that each printer is properly set up to print precinct registers. The test page feature prints one page of a 12-line register and one page of an 18-line register.
You should also test a few printed pages with your bar code wand to verify that the bar codes are readable.
To print a precinct register test page:
- Go to ELECTIONS > Print Registers.
- On the Print Precinct Register dialog, click Test Page.
- Select the printer and click OK.
- Verify that the printed pages are as expected.
To print one or more precinct registers:
- Check the settings in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Prec Reg/ElctnS > Precinct Register Options to verify that they are properly set for this election.
- Ensure that the election you want to print registers for is the focused election. If not, click Change Election Status on the Console and select the election.
- Go to ELECTIONS > Print Registers.
- On the Print Precinct Register dialog, select Full Register for Specified Precincts.
- Click Print Register.
- On the Select Polling Places dialog, select the precincts with registers to print. You can select up to 10 precincts. When you are printing
precinct registers (as opposed to supplements), the Places
Not Selected list shows only the precincts for which:
- a register is not currently being printed by another user, in which case the precinct's state is Locked for printing. To display the locked precincts, select Include Locked Precincts.
- a register has not yet been printed. To show these precincts in the list, select Include Printed Registers.
- Click OK to open the Select Printers for Precinct Register Printing dialog.
- Select the printer and paper source for the print job.
If the election is a primary and you generated a separate register for each party, you will see a printer selection for each party. If you want to print the party registers to different printers, clear the check box Make All Printers the Same. To print them all to the same printer, select Make All Printers the Same and then select the top printer and paper source.
If the election is set to use Vote Centers as the polling place type in Election Maintenance, the register is not grouped by precinct. For these elections, voters are not restricted to vote only at their assigned precinct. They can vote at any polling place that is participating in the election.