System Options—Precinct Register/Elections
To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Precinct Register/Elections
Print Oath and Voter Name upside down—Prints your precinct registers with bar codes and with voter names and signatures printed upside down. To use this option, you must be printing precinct registers to a good quality laser printer that has a Windows printer driver. Upside down printing of the oath and voter name allows both the election worker and the voter to use the register at the same time, without having to rotate it 180 degrees.
Party Registers are Combined in Primary Elections—Creates a single precinct register for primary elections. If you do not select this option, Voter Focus creates separate registers for Democrats, Republicans, and Non-Partisan/Minor Party voters. Regardless of whether you create a single register or separate ones, the required ballot style for each voter is shown on the register.
Print Mark Sense
Oval on Register—Includes a mark sense oval——next
to the voter's signature box on the printed precinct register. In counties using
optical scan machines for vote tabulation, voters mark the oval in the
register to confirm that they understand how to cast their votes.
Export Precinct Register for Outside Printing—Creates a file that you can send to a commercial vendor for the printing of precinct registers.
Separate Register for Inactive Voters—Prints separate precinct registers for Inactive voters. Having a separate register at the polling place lets election workers direct these voters to the Clerk, who will require the signing of an affirmation before the voter is allowed to vote. If you do not select this option, Inactive voters are listed in precinct registers along with Active voters.
Supplement Shows Vote-By-Mail requests and voting only—Allows you to take a different approach to register supplements. When selected, the supplements list only those voters who:
- Have requested a mail ballot but have not returned the ballot.
- Have already voted by mail.
- Have already early voted.
If you choose this option, keep in mind that for voters who claim to have moved into the precinct, election workers will need to call the Phone Bank for confirmation. And supplements will not show the names of deceased voters or voters who have moved out of the precinct and registered elsewhere. Any voting irregularities in this area will be detected only after the election, during voting history processing.
Incremental Supplement Reports—Generates precinct register supplements that exclude the changes that were printed in previous supplements. This option is intended for counties that keep precinct registers up-to-date in the elections office prior to sending the registers to the polling places.
To generate supplements showing all changes made since the precinct register was generated, clear the check box.
This option is automatically turned on when the option Use Supplement Labels is selected.
Print Mark Sense
Arrow—Includes a mark sense arrow——next
to the voter's signature box on the printed precinct register. In counties using
optical scan machines for vote tabulation, voters mark the arrow in the
register to confirm that they understand how to cast their votes.
Print Sigs on Register—Enables printing of voter signature clips on the register next to the voter signature box for comparison purposes.
Use Supplement Labels—Formats the Changes section of register supplements for printing on label sheets (size 80 labels per sheet). A label is printed for each voter who had a change in voting status. Note that labels are not printed for voters who became ineligible because they moved out of the precinct/county or are deceased. The printed labels can then be affixed to the precinct register, saving workers the effort of handwriting the change. This option forces use of the option Incremental Supplement Reports.
Mail Elections Include Inactive Voters—Includes Inactive voters when generating envelopes or labels for mail election ballots. If you do not select this option, ballot envelopes/labels are generated only for Active voters.
Mail Elections Do Not Use Default Ballot Addresses—In mail ballot elections, Voter Focus normally uses the following protocol in determining the address to which a voter's ballot should be sent:
1—Ballot Address for This Election
2—Default Ballot Address
3—Mailing Address
4—Residence Address
If a Ballot Address for This Election address is not in the voter's record, then Voter Focus looks for the Default Ballot Address, and so on, until it finds an address.
This option tells Voter Focus to ignore the Default Ballot Address. So if a voter record has no Ballot Address for This Election, Voter Focus will then look for a Mailing Address, and then the Residence Address.
If your county uses Default Ballot Addresses, we recommend you turn off Mail Elections Do Not Use Default Ballot Addresses.
Tabulation System Vendor—Select your tabulation vendor. The options are:
0, Not Declared
1, Dominion
2, ES&S
3, Sequoia
This setting controls the appearance of the Tabulation Sys Exports button on the Election Maintenance dialog and the Import Ballot Styles button on the List of Ballot Styles dialog, and the underlying functions of both.
If you do not see your tabulation vendor, contact VR Systems.
Default Starting Ballot Number—When a user creates a new ballot style (ELECTIONS > Maintain Election Settings > Ballot Styles > Set Up Ballot Styles), the number entered here is the default next ballot number.
Send Files to Voter Information Project—Automatically sends election precinct and polling place data to the Voter Information Project.
Report Provisionals—Reports provisional votes separately in Turnout QuickView. If left unchecked, this option will combine provisional votes with Mail/Early Voting/Election Day votes.