Set Up Temporary Ballot Styles for an Election

The temporary ballot style feature lets you generate Vote-By-Mail requests for all-elections/FPCA voters before assignment of an election's permanent ballot styles. This feature is important if your county receives requests for candidate labels early in an election cycle, and candidates want their label set to include all-elections/FPCA voters as well as single-request voters. Prior to the implementation of temporary ballot styles, this wasn't possible, because the program that generates all-elections/FPCA requests requires the assignment of ballot styles to generate those requests. With temporary ballot styles assigned, you can provide candidates with labels for allVote-By-Mail voters in their district, meeting their requests in a timely manner without having to create permanent ballot styles prematurely.

Setup of temporary ballot styles is simple: you don't have to create them and assign them to precincts like permanent ballot styles. The system does the work for you when you select the Probably Voting option on the Election Precinct Details dialog for each voting precinct. Selecting Probably Voting automatically assigns these standard temporary ballot styles to the precinct:

For general elections, GXX

For primary elections, (as appropriate):

DXX for Democrats

RXX for Republicans

GXX for non-partisan voters

SXX for minor party 1 voters

OXX for minor party 2 voters

Once you've selected Probably Voting, you'll see the temporary ballot style in the Style column on the voter's Vote-By-Mail tab on any new requests that are added. When the value in the Style column is XXX, it means no ballot style was defined at the time the request was added.

Temporary ballots styles are replaced with permanent ballot styles when you assign the permanent ones to precincts. It isn't necessary to clear the Probably Voting check box when you assign permanent ballot styles. You should be aware that you won't see the permanent ballot styles in voter records until:

  • You do a Deliver Ballots run that includes those voters.
  • You run the utility Update Voter Ballot Styles, which examines each voter with a Vote-By-Mail request for the focused election, determines what their current ballot style should be, and updates the voter's record with the current ballot style.

Mail ballots cannot be sent out—that is, you won't be able to do a Deliver Ballots run—until permanent ballot styles are assigned.

The existence of temporary ballot styles also enables your county to transmit the daily Absentee Ballot Request Information File to FVRS.