Generate Vote-By-Mail Requests for All-Elections and FPCA Voters

When you record a voter's FPCA or all-elections request for mail ballots, you are setting up the voter to receive mail ballots for all elections that currently exist in the Voter Focus system for which they are eligible to vote. As new elections are put on the system and moved to Active status, a background task scheduled to run in the early morning creates requests for all-elections and FPCA voters eligible for those new elections. This includes Pre-reg voters who have all-elections or FPCA requests and will be 18 by election day.

Should you attempt to run a program that requires generation of all-elections/FPCA requests and:

  • The daily background task (AbsenteeGenerateRequests) failed to run at its appointed time (typically around 5 am),


  • One or more all-elections/FPCA requests were recorded after the daily background task completed its run,


  • The status of the focused election is not Active, so the daily background task did not generate all-elections/FPCA requests for the election,

...the program you are attempting to run will tell you it cannot proceed until you generate the requests manually. This is done by running the utility Generate All-Elections/FPCA Requests. The utility generates requests for the eligible voters for the focused election (provided that the election's status is Open or Active) and displays a report listing the voter names and other relevant information.

Before you run the Generate All-Elections/FPCA Requests utility, all ballot styles for the focused election must be created and assigned to all voting precincts. If you don't yet know what your ballot styles will be and you need to create Vote-By-Mail requests to fulfill a candidate request for voter labels, you can have the system create temporary ballot styles.

  • Keep in mind that the daily background task generates requests only for elections whose status is Active. If you have created temporary ballot styles for an election, in all likelihood the status of that election is Open, not Active. To generate requests for an Open election, you must run the Generate All-Elections/FPCA Requests utility.