Address Change Requests Submitted Through Your Website

Address change requests submitted through the Address Change Service (ACS) on your VR Tower website are automatically suspended and appear in the Suspense Queue. From the queue, you can review individual address change requests and complete processing. If an email address has been specified in VR Tower, your county will also receive an email for each voter who has submitted an address change request online.

Note: The WebServicesJurisdictionClient.exe program must be running for voters to be able to use this service.

Only voters who can be validated as registered voters in your county will be allowed to make address change requests on your website. The web service manages this by verifying the applicant’s last name, first name, date of birth, and address against the local voter registration database.

Using ACS, voter's can submit changes to their:

  • Residence Address

  • Mailing Address

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

Note: This feature is intended for use with in-county address changes only. If the voter has provided an out-of-county residence address, that address change should be processed manually using the Record Correspondence from Voter program.

When you double click a web address request record in the Suspense Queue, the Web Address Change dialog appears with the following information:


To help protect the integrity of the data in your Voter Focus system:

  • When you open a web address change record from the Suspense Queue, Voter Focus checks to see if the voter's record has been updated since the address change request was submitted. If so, the following message appears:

    Record Out of Date

    You can still process this request; however, you may want to review the voter's current record and audit history to ensure that you are not overwriting more recent address changes.
  • When processing a request, Voter Focus attempts to match the residential address provided by the voter with the Streets table in Voter Focus. If the address does not match the Streets table, when you attempt to save the changes, the following message appears:

    Invalid address - Do you want Street Lookup?

    Using the information on the Web Address Change dialog and Street Lookup, you can adjust the values entered in the interpreted address and process the request. However, if you are unable to correct the address and process the request, printing capabilities are available so that you can dismiss the item from the queue and/or manually print and research the address.

When processing changes to mailing addresses, keep in mind that the following field limitations:

Field Name

Can contain a maximum of:

Mailing Address Line 1

40 characters

Mailing Address Line 2

40 characters

Mailing Address Line 3

40 characters


40 characters


2 characters


12 characters


40 characters


As a result, you'll need to carefully review the information provided in the gray mailing address fields to determine if the information provided by the voter is captured as expected in the white mailing address fields and make changes if not.

Also note that if the voter selects United States as their Country when entering their address in the Address Change Service pages, the Country filed on the Web Address Change dialog will be blank. This is because some counties using Voter Focus manually enter the value US in the Country field as a method of flagging UOCAVA voters for some of their processes. If your county does this, when processing requests, you should review the information in the yellow mailing address Country field carefully and reenter a value in the Country field in the white Mailing Country field for UOCAVA voters flagged this way.

Once the address change has been processed and saved:

  • The voter's record is updated with the new address(es) or contact information specifiedwhen processingthe request.

  • Detailed information regarding the fields that were changed as a result of the request appear in the voter's record on the Audit tab.

  • The entry Online Address Change is made in the voter's record on the Comms tab, where you can later access the full details of the request.

  • If a change was made to the voter's residence address, a voter information card is automatically scheduled in the Notices queue.

  • The last voter activity date on the voter's Activity tab in their registration record is updated.