
Home > Set Up an Election in ENR Prior to an Election

Last update to page:  November 17, 2015

How to

Set Up an Election in ENR Prior to an Election

Prior to beginning, be sure that you have generated an L&A file from your tabulation system.

IMPORTANT: VR Systems recommends that you include the ENR setup in your logic and accuracy (L&A) testing. You can use the L&A export file from your tabulation system as a setup file and to confirm that all races and candidates are being reported.

This information will not appear on your website until you publish your results and add an ENR display page, button, or link to your website.

To create an L&A file for use with ENR:

From your tabulation system, generate a Precinct Level L&A Setup File with the following options selected:

To set up ENR for an election:

  1. Log into ENR ( and on the Select Election page, click Create New Election.

  2. On the Create Election page, enter the election name and date in the provided fields.

    NOTE: The date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.

  3. Click Next to continue.

  4. On the Upload Election Setup File page, click Choose File, and find the L&A file you previously generated from your tabulation system.

  5. Click Upload File. Once the file has successfully uploaded, click OK. The Configure Election Options page appears.

    NOTE: You can complete the following steps of configuring your election settings now, or click Cancel to exit the setup and complete this process at a later date.

  6. Review each of the options available on the Configure Election Options page, make changes as needed, and then click Next. The Edit Precinct Information page appears.

  7. If you have selected the Include Precinct Level Results option on the Configure Election Options page, if specific precincts are not participating in the election, clear the Participating check box for those precincts.

  8. Click Next. The Edit Race Information page appears.

  9. Optionally, if you want to change the race and candidate names that will be displayed on the election results web page, make the necessary edits.

  10. Optionally, select or clear the Statistics check box based on where you wold like Undervotes and Overvotes to appear on the election results web page.

  11. If the Display Precincts Reporting Per Race option is enabled (in the Reporting Options section of the Election Options page), and you didn't include all of your participating precincts in your setup file, if you want the total number of precincts reporting to match the number of precincts included in your setup file, click the Edit Precincts Participating for Race link above the race's candidates list.

  12. Clear the Participating check box for any precincts that are not reporting in this election.

  13. Click Save. The Edit Race information page appears again. Click Save to complete your election setup.

  14. Optionally, on the ENR election home screen, click Edit custom County Message and add a custom county message.

  15. Optionally, click on the ENR election home screen, click Preview Review results to view your results using the current settings. If you need to make changes, revisit the configuration setting pages.

As a next step, you should prepare your website to display your election night results.