Voters Interested in Election Work

To run: REPORTING > Reports > Election Worker Reports > PreElection Reports > Voters Interested in Election Work

This report lists local voters whose voter registration record has the check box EW Interest? selected on the Maint tab.

Keep in mind that this report does not check voters' voter registration status, so a voter who has become Ineligible after indicating an interest in working could still appear in the report.

After you have activated a batch of interested voters, you can determine if any are Ineligible by going to ELECTION WORKERS > Worker Flexible Search and looking in the lower-left corner of the Worker Flexible Search dialog, below the Resident of field. The number of Ineligible workers will be noted there. If there are any, run the Election Worker Alert Report and look for changes in individual workers' voter registration status.

For any worker who is now Ineligible, change their worker status to N, Not an Election Worker or T, Terminated Election Worker.