Election Worker Alert Report

To run: REPORTING > Reports > Election Worker Reports > Miscellaneous Reports > Election Worker Alert Report

This report lists workers whose voter registration status has changed during a specified time period. When you run the report, you can select which voter registration statuses to check and can limit the report to workers of a specific work type.

The report is most often used to find workers who have become Ineligible voters and thus might not be suitable for election work.

When you have election workers whose voter registration status has become Ineligible, the Worker Flexible Search dialog will display a message noting the number of these Ineligible workers. The message includes a reminder to run the Election Worker Alert report to determine which workers are affected, and it gives you a date that you should use in the Start Date field when running the report.

Note:  It is possible for out-of-county workers to appear on this report. This could happen if a voter moved out of county, thus becoming Ineligible in your county, and then became an out-of-county worker in your county. In such a situation, the worker would appear in the report immediately after being added to the database as an out-of-county worker.