Manage Requests

A completed, submitted, and accepted ABBM allows voters in Texas to receive and cast a ballot by mail, email, or fax. To be able to cast an early voting absentee ballot, a qualified voter must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Is 65 years or older on election day
  • Has a disability, defined as a sickness or physical condition that prevents voting in person
  • Expects to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
  • Expects to be out of the county during voting hours
  • Is confined in jail 1) serving a misdemeanor sentence and will not be released prior to election day, 2) pending trial or an appeal of a conviction after denial of bail or without bail, or where release on bail before election day is unlikely
  • Is civilly committed under Chapter 841, Health and Safety Code

ABBMs can be submitted for a single election or as an annual request for all elections held in the calendar year. Only voters that are voting by mail on the grounds of age or disability may submit an Annual ABBM.

In STAR, you can manage both annual and regular ABBM requests.