About Course Settings

When you create a new course in Voter Focus or ELM System, there are specific settings that should be set.

Course Settings

  • Course Name—The course name that will appear to students and to course creators.

    After you create a course for election workers from Voter Focus, the name entered in the Description field for the class in Voter Focus appears here. If you need to make a change to the Course Name for courses created in Voter Focus, change the Description for the class in Voter Focus. This change will be pushed to the ELM System within the hour.

  • Passing Grade—The minimum percentage of correct answers that a student must reach to pass the course.

    After you create a course for election workers from Voter Focus, the Passing Grade value you entered in the class type created for ELM courses will appear here.

  • Number of Questions on Exam—The number of Testing Questions expected to be included on the test for the course. If the number of questions created for the course exceeds this value, a random subset of the existing questions equal to this value will be included on the test. For example, if 10 questions are created for the course, and you enter a value of 5 here, only 5 questions (in random order) will be included on the test.
    Note: If Global Questions have been configured in the system, all Global Questions are added to the test in addition to the number of questions specified here.

After you create a course for election workers from Voter Focus, you will need to edit the course in ELM System to provide this value.

  • Course Description—A brief description that will appear to students invited to the course.

After you create a course for election workers from Voter Focus, the Online Class Summary value you entered in the class type created for ELM courses will appear here. If you need to make a change to the Course Description for courses created in Voter Focus, change the Online Class Summary for the Class Type in Voter Focus. This change will be pushed to ELM System within the hour.

You can format the text in the Course Description field in ELM system using HTML.

When you create a course for election workers in Voter Focus, in addition to the settings above, you also specify the following settings:

  • Description (populates the Course Name in ELM System)
  • Date & Time
  • Location
  • Type
  • Length
  • Max Size

See Create a Class for more information on creating classes in Voter Focus.

Finally, the Allow Test Retakes? system setting determines if tests for courses can be retaken. See Access Tab for more information.