Copy Activator Image to Flash Drives

This topic explains how to run the Make Activators program, which copies an activator image onto activators. From the activators, the information within the image can be loaded onto EViD stations.

The instructions here apply to all types of activators:

  • staging

  • early voting

  • election day

  • voter-outreach

When you run the Make Activators program, activators will be created as you plug them into the USB port(s) on the workstation. If you have multiple USB ports on the workstation, you can make multiple activators simultaneously.

There is no requirement to make an activator for each EViD station: you can remove an activator after the EViD station starts up and use it to copy the image to another EViD. So consider making one activator per site or one per person assigned to loading EViDs, with a few spares.

As the activators for an election are created, a record for each activator is written to an audit report. This report shows how many activators of each mode were made, when they were made, if there were any errors, and other related information. The report can help you verify that the correct mode of activators were made at the proper time, and that they were error-free. See EViD Activators Report for more information.

Important:      Any USB device or memory card (such as an external hard drive, SD card, or compact flash card) inserted into the workstation during the Make Activators process will be treated as an activator. That is, it will be formatted and the image will be copied to it. Take care not to insert any such devices into the workstation during the Make Activators process.