FlexRep Menu—Sort Option


Sorts the voters by last name.

Name by Precinct

Sorts the voters by precinct. Within each precinct, the voters are then sorted by last name.

Residence Address

Sorts the voters by residential address. This means the addresses are first sorted by city; then they are sorted by street name; and finally they are sorted by street number.

Residence Address by Precinct

Sorts the voters by precinct. Within each precinct, voters are then sorted by residential address.


Sorts the voters by zip code. If you are producing output with mailing addresses and sorting by zip code, the output will list at the top of the report those voters whose mailing address has a value in the Mailing_Country field. These entries are then sorted in voter ID order.

Registration Number

Sorts the voters in voter ID order with the lowest ID listed first.

Household combination

This box appears only when the selection in Data Source is Voter Register or Sample Ballot Run and the Sort Option is Residence Address or Residence Address by Precinct.

When the Data Source is Sample Ballot Run and you select Residence Address in the Address Selection box, the Household combination setting determines whether a single sample ballot will be sent to all voters with the same residential address. This can save the expense of mailing multiple ballots to the same address.

Note that if you select Sample Ballot Run and you select Mailing Address in the Address Selection box, voters with different mailing addresses will be sent separate sample ballots, even if they have the same residential address.

The default selection is No combination, which results in a ballot for each individual voter at the address.

If you choose to combine voters, the Voter Name column in the output will contain—instead of a voter name—a recipient name based on the To option you select:

To the [LastName] household—Displays the text The LastName household, replacing LastName with the last name of the first voter found at that address. No entries are generated for subsequent voters at the same address with the same last name. If another voter with the same address has a different last name, a separate entry with their last name will be generated.


To the registered voters at—Displays the text The registered voters at. Only one entry is generated for all voters with exactly the same residential address. Note that even a slight difference in the way residential addresses are entered will result in different entries in the output.

Note:  A Count Selected Records run will return a larger number of records than a Run FlexRep run, because the former run counts all voters while the latter counts households (into which multiple voters can be consolidated).

If you select a household combination, the results do not include protected voters. By design, this holds true even if you also select the Unprotect Addresses option when exporting a report for a commercial printer.

To account for protected voters, after creating a report using a household combination, run a separate report listing only protected voters. You can use the following query in FlexRep for this purpose.

(Votrm.Status ='A' and ( Votrm.Party ='DEM' or Votrm.Party ='REP') ) and Votrm.Address_Protect = 'Y'