FlexRep Menu—Data Source

Voter Register

Retrieves all voters in the database. Note that the list can be narrowed by the options in the Record Selection box, such as status, precinct, race, or voting history in a specific election.

Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting

Retrieves the voters in a selected election who have requested mail ballots or who have early voted, depending on the run type you select on the Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting Dates and Options dialog.

When you select Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting, the Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting Dates and Options button appears. Click it to open the Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting Dates and Options dialog.

Sample Ballot Run

Retrieves voters who are eligible to vote in the selected election, excepting those who have been sent a mail ballot or have early voted. This option is typically used to create mailing labels or an export file for a commercial printer hired to create and mail sample ballots. To cut down on mailing costs, consider using a sort option that permits consolidation of mailings by household.

Note:  To create a sample-ballot list limited to eligible voters, select a Data Source of Sample Ballot Run and an Output Option of Text File export for Commercial Printer.


Available only when the data source selection is Vote-By-Mail/Early Voting or Sample Ballot Run, both of which require selection of an election. The elections shown in the drop-down list do not include those whose status is Closed or Deleted.