FlexRep Menu—Address Selection

The options available in the Address Selection box depend on the selections you have made in the Data Source and Output Option boxes.

The FlexRep output will contain the address(es) you select here.

Residence Address

The voter's residential address from their voter registration record. Note that protected addresses will not be included unless you select the Unprotect Addresses option.

Mailing Address

The voter's mailing address from their voter registration record. If the voter has no mailing address, the residential address will be used instead.

Default Ballot Address

The voter's address from the Default Ballot Address field on the Vote By Mail Addresses dialog.

Note:  This option is only available when you select Voter Register as the Data Source.

Ballot Address for this Election

The voter's address from the Specific Election Address Override field in the Absentee Addresses dialog.

Note:  This option only appears if you have selected Vote By Mail/Early Voting or Sample Ballot Run as the Data Source.

Both Residence and Mailing

The voter's residential address and, if they have one, their mailing address.

Unprotect Addresses

If a voter's residential address is normally hidden, selecting this option includes the address in the export file.

This option appears only to users who have the user permission FlexRep:UnProtect. It appears then only when the selection in Output Option is Text File export for Commercial Printer or Simplified Export for Commercial Printer.

Note that, even if you choose Mailing Address or Default Ballot Address for an export, you will still need to consider unprotecting voters' residential addresses. If a protected address voter does not have a mailing or Default Ballot Address, Voter Focus will try to use their residential address. Unless you unprotect the addresses, the notation Protected will appear in the address field of the export file.