Vote-By-Mail Request for a Specific Election

Vote-By-Mail Request can be processed when an election is in Open or Active status. The election must be set up in Voter Focus, but ballot styles need not be created before entering Vote-By-Mail Requests.

Requests for mail ballots can come from the voter, someone in their immediate family, or the voter's legal guardian. They can be made in person, by phone, in writing by mail, email, fax, or via the internet if your county has a Vote-By-Mail Request form on its website.

Individual mail ballots can be issued to the voter or their designee when an election is in Active or Return Processing Only status. Also during this time, the elections office can process Federal Write In Absentee (FWAB) ballots from overseas voters.

When an election is in Return Processing Only status, the methods for issuing mail ballots are limited. See About an Election's Status for a list of the Voter Focus tasks that can be performed in each election status, including Vote-By-Mail tasks.

There are two ways to record a Vote-By-Mail Request—from the Vote By Mail tab or from the VOTER REGISTRATION tab. The method you use will depend on your user permissions and your county's procedures for entering requests.