Display and Interpret a Voter's Absentee Audit Report

The Absentee Audit Report lists all mail ballot and early voting transactions by a voter for an election. To create the report:

  1. Go to VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance, access the voter's record, and click the Vote-By-Mail tab.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Highlight the election and click Audit Report.
    • Highlight the election and click Request Status to open the Vote-By-Mail Request Status dialog. Click Audit Report.
    • Highlight the election and click Mail Ballot Adjustments to open the Mail-Ballot Adjustments dialog. Click Audit Report.

The transaction types shown in the Type column of the report are:


An advance ballot was sent to the voter.


The ballot was returned as undeliverable by the postal service.


The request for a mail ballot was canceled.


The canceling of a mail ballot was reversed. (So, a new request can be recorded.)


A replacement ballot was released to an early voter who previously received an early-vote ballot. (This reverses the return of the previously issued ballot (RET R) and records a request for another ballot (REQ).)


The voter early voted. (This is equivalent to a request (REQ), a delivery (MAI), and a return (RET).


The record of the early vote was reversed in the Voter Focus system.


A mail ballot was picked up by the voter or a ballot was mailed, faxed, or emailed to the voter.


The record of the delivery of the ballot was reversed (canceled) in the Voter Focus system.


Voter requested a mail ballot or made a request for all ballots via an all-elections request or a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) form.


A mail ballot was returned by the voter or was voted in-office.


The record of the return of the ballot was reversed (canceled) in the Voter Focus system.


A replacement mail ballot was requested by the voter.


The referred mail ballot underwent a management review. If the reviewer determined that the ballot was acceptable, you will see RET R and RET entries just above the RVW entry, indicating that the initial referral was reversed (RET R). and then the ballot was returned (RET).


The report above shows the absentee/early voting activity for the voter Annmarie Thomas in the Water Management District election held in the month of June:

1  The voter requested a mail ballot on February 26th.

2  It was delivered to her on the same day.

3  She requested a replacement ballot on March 13th.

4  The replacement ballot was sent to her on the same day.

5  On April 20th, she came to the elections office and early-voted.