Initiate the Removal of Voters Who May Be Ineligible

Supervisors who receive notification of a voter's potential ineligibility, by some means other than a felon match record in the Eligibility Match Queue, must take steps to remove the voter from the registration rolls. Reasons for potential ineligibility include:

  • Information from a county or Federal court that a voter has a felony conviction without having their civil rights restored.

  • Information that a voter has an adjudication of mental incapacity with respect to voting.

  • Information that a voter is not of legal age, is not a U.S. citizen, is a fictitious person, or is listed in the voter registration rolls under an address that is not their legal residence in Florida.

If the information on the voter indicates they have a felony conviction, notify the BVRS that you have potential ineligibility information for the voter, providing the Bureau with the voter's name and voter registration number. If the BVRS is already processing removal for the voter, they will cancel their match so that you can initiate potential ineligibility processing of the voter from the county side.

Note: To see the felon match records initiated by the BVRS, go to VOTER REGISTRATION > Eligibility Match Queue and look for voters with the Type of NFEL. If you see a match for the packet you have at the county, you will need to contact BVRS and advise them that you intend to initiate eligibility maintenance against the voter. The State will then cancel their NFEL match record.

Some counties scan the information, such as the felon packet, into electronic files and index those files to the voter's record. If you do this, be aware that if the voter moves to another county during the eligibility maintenance process, the files do not move with them. You will need to send them to the voter's new county manually.