Scanning and Indexing of Application Forms and Other Documents

Voter Focus allows scanned images of paper documents to be stored on the county network and associated with the voter record. Images that might be held include:

  • Voter registration applications
  • Final notices returned by the voter
  • Letters sent by the voter to the elections office
  • Affidavits signed by the voter at the polls
  • FPCA applications

Some of these images contain voter signatures that your office might want to examine when verifying signatures on petitions, mail ballots, and the like.

Voter Focus has programs on the Voter Registration tab that allow you to scan paper documents and then link (or index) the resulting digital images to voter records. Once an image has been indexed to a voter's record, you can see it on the voter's Doc Images and Comms tabs. The date shown for the image is the date the image was scanned.

Scanning and indexing is primarily used to link a digital copy of the voter's paper application forms to the voter's record. But you can also index other types of documents, as noted above.